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CECC WEBINAR: Growing Opportunities in Mongolia: FOSTERING BUSINESS COOPERATION AND Cross-Boarder Partnerships

  • 19 Dec 2023
  • 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM (PST)


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Dear CECC members and friends

The CECC team is pleased to invite you to the interactive webinar "Growing Opportunities in Mongolia: Fostering Business Cooperation and  Cross-Boarder Partnerships" held in online format in collaboration with the Embassy of Mongolia to Canada.

When: 9AM PDT/12 PM EDT, December 19th, 2023

The Webinar is unfolding the latest developments in Canada-Mongolia relations and a progress of implementation of the "Mongolia-Canada Roadmap for Comprehensive Partnership”, that includes strong support provided to Canadian companies and organizations interested to expand into Mongolian market and create mutually beneficiary cross boarder cooperation.

It will also give some practical feedback from Canadian participants of the CECC business mission to Mongolia in October 2023 and provide heads up of the upcoming joint projects, incoming and outgoing business missions organized in collaboration with CECC partners representing public and private sectors of Mongolia.

 Event Agenda:

9.00AM - Tatiana Domilovskaya, CECC Regional Director, Vancouver - Opening remarks, Introductions and moderation

- Gilles Breton - Chair, CECC National Board of Directors - Welcome remarks

9.05AM - 9.20AM - H.E. MsSarantogos Erdenetsogt, Ambassador of Mongolia to Canada 

9.20AM - 9.30AM -  John Gosal, Deputy Director, Trade relations with Japan, Global Affairs Canada 
9.30AM - 9.45AM - Berenice Lewis - Director International Development Alexander Academy: Canada-Mongolia Partnerships in Education
9.45AM - 10.00AM - Dimitry Alimayev - International Business Development and Sales, CanAm Pipe and Supply: Opportunities in Mongolia  for Canadian suppliers to the Mining and Oil and Gas industries
10.00 AM - 10.15AM - Oybek Shokirov - Director, KS Group - Canada: Agri-food Sector in Mongolia - Considerations for Broader Cooperation
10.15AM - 10.25AM - Tatiana Domilovskaya - CECC - Mongolia joint events and activities in 2024 
10.25AM - 10.35 AM - Q&A


Please, see the video record of the event on CECC YouTube page:

To  obtain more information,

please, connect with the CECC-Vancouver team:

Tatiana Domilovskaya 

(Regional Director, CECC-Vancouver)  

Tel/WhatsApp/Telegram: +1 604 720 2905

 Taranjit Singh Dhillon 

(Project Manager, CECC-Vancouver)  

Tel/WhatsApp/Telegram:+1 604 618 2729